At the start of this academic year I was finding myself in my own personal mind field, I felt my brain was all over the place and my body was exhausted. I was getting so focused on work that all I was thinking about was work, work and work. I wasn't thinking about myself, family or friends but just simply how unhappy I was.
Since the new year I really wanted to focus on myself and prioritising my wellbeing both mentally and physically. I am a teacher, which notoriously comes with a lot of stress, long hours and pressure. It became very easy to simply focus on my workload but truthly, I wasn't looking after much else. It got to a point where enough was truly enough, I couldn't keep focusing on work as you simply can't care for 30 children if you are not caring for yourself. Hence why this year I needed to refocus my mind and make self care a priority.
One - Gym:
One way I have prioritised self care is exercise whether that be the gym, swimming or a class. I love nothing more than throwing some weight around the gym and getting a good sweat on but I'd simply...not. I knew it was something I was desperately longing for so I decided enough was enough and signed up to a new gym where I can really focus myself. I find exercise is the perfect way to clear my mind and just simply focus on myself, I don't allow myself to think of work just what I am doing at that moment in time.
Two - Phone:
My dreaded mobile phone, this is something that isn't happening easily. I've been finding myself constantly on my phone (That screen time hit some reality into me pretty darn quick), I am really trying to cut down my time on my phone. It's tricky with work and my friends are very spread out so it is my main form of communication with them. But it's more the pointless scrolling I wanted to tackle! I'll have to keep you updated on this one!
Three - Reading:
Reading is one of my favourite hobbies, I love reading. I was finding it tricky to make time but really that was just a shoddy excuse. I'm now turning off my laptop about 9:00pm-9:30pm giving me around an hour to lay in bed and read my book. This has worked really well to get me sucked into something with no distractions.
Four - Mindfulness:
I've always been a fan of yoga (not that great at it tho) and meditation and this is something I'm making sure I make time for. Not necessarily everyday but at least every two/three days. It helps to centre your mind and release a lot of stress. Tricky to explain, give it a go trust me!
Five - Walking:
If you've read my blog before anyone knows I'm an advocate for walking! I love a long walk to get out those cobwebs. Me and my friend try to go on a long walk once a week(ish). Obviously weather permitting, this is England after all.
These are just five ways that I've been helping to focus on my self-care. Not everything will work for everyone but it is truly important to focus on your personal wellbeing.
Take care x
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