Travel Blues - How to Shift Them

Oh the dreaded travel blues, we've all had them. You have the best time away travelling and you get back home, reality hitting you like a ton of bricks. Not fun. I must admit in recent months I've had serious travel blues but I'm trying ways to help tackle them a little bit. In this blog post I'm going to talk about a few things that I'm doing to tackle the blues. 

Since getting back home in September I haven't been able to travel due to my course (teacher training) I don't get paid to complete my course, despite working full time, so I have a grand amount of £3,000 to last me the year but this doesn't go far once you've taken out petrol etc. Meaning, I can't travel much, if at all. Travel is the one thing that is always on my mind but I have to admit it's a bit miserable thinking about it when I can't actually do it at the moment. I'm sure I'm not the only one in this boat so I thought I'd share my tips on how I'm trying (sometimes failing) to tackle the post travel blues. 

First things first... 

Stop. Looking. Pointlessly. I find myself constantly browsing the internet for trips I simply can't afford that fly out in two weeks time, pointless. It just gets me all moody that I can't go, so honestly why am I looking at it in the first place? 

Instead I'm trying to look at realistic trips, something I actually stand a chance of doing. I'm saving all my pennies to go away this summer so instead I'm looking at trips that stand a chance of actually happening, not trips like Bali for a weeks time...NOT GONNA HAPPEN! I've found this has actually motivated me to stick out my course and is giving me something to look forward to. 

Look back fondly...plan the future.

Look back at your old trips and think "Yep, this is why I love travelling." I've found thinking of old trips and memories to help me think of all the new things I need to look forward to. I'm planning future trips for what I want to do and how I want to go round it, although it's a while in the future it lets me visualise myself actually doing it. 

Explore, explore and EXPLORE! 

Yeah alright, you might not be jumping on a plane but you'd be surprised just what you can explore by hopping in your car, going on a long hike or popping down the road. Focus on what's around you because that's what you have. 

I think in life a tip for happiness is to simply appreciate the little things and then the bigger things will come naturally. 

Okay just a small post from me today, hope you enjoyed! 

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