2018 has been a whirlwind of a year and in many ways my favourite year. So much has changed, so much has happened and so much has been learnt. I am so thankful for this past year, the opportunities I've had and the way it has shaped me as a person. This is not to say that this year hasn't had its difficulties, oh it has, but that has just enabled me to grow more as a person.
I'm definitely leaving this year a different person to how I entered it and I'm truly happy with that growth.
To grow this year I've had to learn a lot about myself and about life, so I thought I'd narrow it down to the five biggest lessons I've received this year.
Number One - Resilience
I think over this last year I've learnt that I am a very resilient person, throw something at me and I'll stick my feet into the ground to get through whatever the storm may hold. Over the past year I've had various storms chucked my way but each one I've come out on top and not allowed that storm to eat away at me.
Number Two - Compassion, Kindness and Emotions
I'd always considered myself a bit of a cold hearted person, I struggled to show my emotions and I struggled to understand others emotions. I was aware that was a weakness of mine and I'd openly put my hands up to it. If someone cried I would freeze up and just say "There, there" not much help. Over the past year I've had to learn to show compassion and emotions, I've had to help others in their moments of weakness but there have also been times where I've had to go to people and ask for help for my own emotions. I've learnt that it really is okay to let people help you and I've learnt how to help others when they need help too. I'm far from an emotional person, that's just not me but I'm glad that I am now in the position I am, a happy medium.
Number Three - Independence
I didn't realise just how much I leant on others, such as my parents, until I had them taken away from me. This was something that come as a shock to me, I had always thought that I was independent and could stand on my own two feet. This year I learnt what it truly meant to be independent. I no longer feel like I need someone with me, I no longer need the help I once thought I needed. This growth come as a shock to both me and my parents and when I returned it definitely unsettled the soil, I was no longer their little girl, I'd grown up. But we've adjusted because I wasn't willing to go back, I've changed but I'm no longer going to just sit there and take whatever, I'm no longer going to need others to prompt me and instead I will do something on my own esteem.
Number Four - Friendship
Friendship is something I was already aware of but over the last year I feel like I've really solidified my friendships. I've lost any toxic relationships and can honestly say I believe the friendships I have now are the friendships I want. I've also gained a lot of friendships this year and obviously that makes me very happy.
Number Five - Going With the Flow
I hadn't realised until this year just how chilled out I am, everyone told me this year "Oh Jess, you're so chilled out" etc etc. It's something I've grown to really like about myself. Life is too short to stress over small dilemmas, to worry about what others are doing and to concern yourself with small petty drama. Live life simply and you'll be much happier.
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