How to Survive a Pandemic

So obviously at the moment I don't think the world could be more upside down if it literally tried. Things are crazy, we're in our houses almost 24/7, we are only allowed to leave the house once a day, we can't see our friends and families and basically it's all madness. 

So here is the official definition of a pandemic: 

  1. (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.

However, I think it's definitely arguable that COVD-19 is a whole love more than simply a disease. It's changing people's lives drastically physically, mentally and emotionally. 

Being a teacher I've found this time difficult. They say when you become a teacher you lose a part of your identity however it's also important to remember you gain a piece too. You gain care, love, compassion and responsibility and the idea of not knowing how my kids truly are, when I'll next see them and many other concerns are thoughts I have a thousand times a day. However, sometimes I have to sit back and think, "can I change this?" the simple answer is no. 

I thought I would collate the mains tips that have been helping me to stay in a positive headspace! 

Tip #1: 

Be honest with yourself. Don't try and trick yourself into thinking that the glass is half full blah blah blah. Let's face it - life is pretty crazy at the moment. But what will help is remembering we're all on the same ocean just in different boats. What I mean by that is, we're all riding the same wave but not necessarily with the same equipment so be grateful for what you do have. Do you have a bed? Do you have food and water? Then you're surviving and that is what matters. 

Tip #2:

Go for a walk everyday. There is no reason not to even for just 15 minutes around your block. I promise you, you'll come back in a better head space. 

Tip #3: 

Appreciate the little things. I think this is a tip to lifelong happiness - appreciate the little things in life. The way a cloud looks, that bird patting across your garden, the way your shower feels and the list goes on. If you allow yourself to appreciate these little details in life you will feel so good. 

Tip #4: 

Keep busy - this one is tricky when we are limited. Read a book, watch TV, workout, colour, tidy, talk to friends, bake, dance, yoga and so on. I was really bored and then told myself I should be grateful I'm not being forced to work everyday (I'm working one week in three) as I'm at less risk. 

Be happy, keep safe and appreciate the little things guys.

Jessalyn x 

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